• Meet Our Management Team!
Skye LaJaunie
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Jared LaJaunie
Meghan Ricketts
Director of Human Resources
Jeremy Clark
Director of Operations
Elisabeth Bazanac
Marketing & Inside Sales Manager
Matt Theriot
Outside Sales Manager
Cindy Smith
Administrative Manager
Morgan Quereau A.C.E.
Operations Manager – Pest Control (Bayou Region)
Eric Pierce
Operations Manager – Pest Control (New Orleans)
Heath Vizier
Operations Manager – Wildlife
Anthony McGlade
Operations Manager – Termite
Franklin Malloy
Fleet Manager

Interested in beginning a career with us?

  • National Pest Management Association
  • Louisiana pest management
  • thibodaux chamber of commerce
  • st. mary chamber company
  • no chamber
  • Inc. 5000