Germ Control – New Orleans and Surrounding Parishes
PROTECT YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS TODAY!It’s time to say goodbye to sniffly noses and hacking coughs. Protect your home from contagions with our family-and-pet safe Steri-Pure treatment in Southeast Louisiana.
Germ Control Solutions
Nothing is more frustrating than coming down with a cold or the flu, and even if you’re a diligent hand-washer, you still encounter countless contagions every time you leave your home. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the peace of mind of knowing your home is clean and germ-free?
You can get just that with our Steri-Pure treatment in New Orleans, Thibodaux, Houma & more. This EPA-approved process relies on electrostatic energy to trap bacteria and particles that could compromise your health, including the following:
- Flu Virus
- Staph
- Allergens
- Mold
- And more!
Our Germ Control Process
GET A FREE QUOTE TODAY!You can trust that our germ control service in Southeast Louisiana will touch 100% of all surfaces, giving your home the deep clean that you deserve. This disinfecting treatment is performed with an electrostatic backpack that attracts particles with 25x the force of gravity—which is a lot more horsepower than you’ll get with a Clorox wipe! To learn more about our Steri-Pure germ control process, check out the video below.
GET A FREE QUOTE TODAY!Commercial Germ Control Sanitization Treatments
GET A FREE ONE ROOM DEMONSTRATIONDuring flu season and throughout the year, public places are a hotspot for viruses, colds, and more. If you’re looking for a way to cut down on the spreading of germs and bacteria in your workplace, look no further than Steri-Pure treatment in Southeast Louisiana. The process is perfect for a variety of highly-trafficked businesses, including the following:
- Gyms
- Daycares
- Doctors’ Offices
- And more!
New Orleans Areas We Service
We offer germ control services to New Orleans and many of the neighboring cities surrounding New Orleans. Here are some of the places we are more than happy to accommodate:
- Identify Issue
- Discuss Solutions
- Affordable Pricing
- Same day scheduling
- Payment plan option
- Sign digital agreement
- In-Depth inspection
- 5 star treatment
- Issue solved
- Pest free environment
- Full transparency
- Re-Treat guarantee