10 Plants That Help Repel Mosquitoes in Louisiana

Swarm of mosquitoes fly in the yard

Louisiana’s mosquitoes aren’t just annoying; they’re health hazards, spreading diseases like West Nile and Zika.

But guess what? You can fight back with your garden! Plants like citronella, marigolds, and lavender naturally repel mosquitoes with their aromatic scents, which bugs hate.

Adding these to your yard means less buzzing and more relaxing. Whether you’re into herbs or flowers, there’s a mosquito-repelling plant that fits your vibe and Louisiana’s warmer climates.

Ready to enjoy your outdoors without the bites? Dive into choosing the best plants for a bug-free backyard.

Key Takeaways

  • Catnip, citronella, marigolds, and other plants have natural mosquito-repelling properties, making them great additions to Louisiana gardens.
  • Specific care requirements such as sunlight, soil type, and watering are essential for these plants to thrive and effectively repel mosquitoes.
  • Besides the commonly known plants, floss flower, bee balm, and lemon balm also deter mosquitoes with their unique scents and properties.
  • DIY mosquito control strategies like eliminating standing water and using fans can complement plant-based repellents in reducing mosquito populations.
  • For persistent mosquito problems in Louisiana, professional pest control services offer targeted treatments and comprehensive strategies for long-term relief.


If you’re one of the Louisiana residents looking to enjoy your outdoor spaces without the nuisance of mosquitoes, you can turn to various plants that naturally repel these pests.

These ten plants offer mosquito-repelling properties and enhance gardens with your appearance and aroma.

1. Catnip

Researchers have found that catnip or catmint from the genus Nepeta L. is remarkably effective at repelling mosquitoes, often more so than DEET. Its secret weapon is nepetalactone, a compound that mosquitoes detest.

Once established, catnip or catmint requires low maintenance in Louisiana.

SunlightFull sun to partial shade
WaterModerate; allow soil to dry between watering
SoilWell-drained, with a tolerance for variety

2. Citronella

The citronella grass releases a fragrance that mosquitoes dislike. It is synonymous with mosquito repellency, used as a primary component in many bug-repellent products, including:

  • Citronella candles
  • Citronella bug sprays
  • Citronella oils

The plant does well outdoors in Louisiana, enhancing patios and gardens while keeping mosquitoes at bay.

Citronella Plant Checklist

Here’s how to grow this plant in your backyard:

  • Choose a sunny location.
  • Use well-drained soil.
  • Space plants 18-24 inches apart.
  • Water regularly, but avoid overwatering.

3. Marigolds

Marigolds possess pyrethrum, a natural insect repellent. Positioning them near entrances can deter mosquitoes from entering the home.

Marigold Care Steps

  1. Select an area with full sunlight.
  2. Plant in well-draining soil.
  3. Water regularly, but allow soil to dry slightly between watering sessions.
  4. Deadhead blooms to encourage new growth.

4. Geranium

Lemon-scented geraniums, especially the Pelargonium citrosum, are known for repelling mosquitoes.

These plants are ideal for Louisiana gardens because they prefer warm weather.

Soil TypeSunlightWatering
Well-drainedFull sun to partial shadeRegular, don’t overwater

5. Lemongrass

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon spp.) contains citral and is used in mosquito repellent formulations.

Growing lemongrass in Louisiana provides you with a dual-purpose plant:

  1. a culinary herb
  2. a mosquito repellent

6. Rosemary

Rosemary’s scent makes it an excellent mosquito deterrent, and its herbs are perfect for culinary use.

In Louisiana, rosemary can be used in outdoor sitting areas to keep mosquitoes away.

SunlightPrefers full sun
SoilRequires well-drained soil
UsePlace cuttings around to repel mosquitoes

7. Allium

Allium emits a strong fragrance that mosquitoes dislike.

They are easy to grow in Louisiana and can complement the garden with their unique shapes. Its common varieties include:

  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Chives

8. Eucalyptus

The essential oil of eucalyptus is known for its ability to repel mosquitoes.

Planting Guide

Given the right conditions, eucalyptus can grow into a large tree in Louisiana, providing shade and mosquito protection.

SunlightFull sun location is ideal.
SoilEnsure good drainage.
SpaceAllow plenty of room for growth.

9. Lavender

Aside from its calming scent, the lavender plant is a natural mosquito repellent, which doubles as an ornament.

Growing Steps

To successfully grow lavender, follow these key steps to ensure it thrives in your garden:

  1. Select a spot with full sun exposure.
  2. Opt for sandy or gravelly soil for better drainage.
  3. Water plants deeply but infrequently.

10. Peppermint

The potent aroma of peppermint repels mosquitoes. However, it grows invasively, so container planting is recommended to keep it contained.

Crushed leaves can be used to create a natural bug-repellent.

PlantingGrow in pots to control spreading.
HarvestingRegularly trim for a bushier plant.
UseCrush leaves to release the scent and repel bugs.


Besides the most commonly known mosquito plants, several others are effective natural insecticides.

Here’s a quick look at some of these plants:

  • Floss Flower (Ageratum spp.) – This plant secretes coumarin, a scent mosquitoes find particularly off-putting. It’s also known for its fuzzy, blue flowers that add color to any setting.
  • Bee Balm (Monarda spp.) – With its bright, tubular flowers, pollinators like bees and butterflies love it. Its leaves can be crushed to release oils that repel mosquitoes.
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) – A member of the mint family, this lemon-scented herb can be planted or used in dried form to ward off mosquitoes with its strong scent.


When mosquitoes swarm your Louisiana garden, consider stepping up your defenses.

Professional mosquito control services offer an effective solution for stubborn pests that have become a nuisance around birdbaths, vegetable gardens, and seating areas.

At LaJaunie’s Pest Control, our comprehensive mosquito control strategy is designed to effectively reduce the mosquito population on your property and provide lasting protection.

Here’s a breakdown of our process:

1. Mosquito Population Reduction

  • Targeted Treatments: Each application aims to significantly lower the mosquito count, directly targeting mosquitoes residing on the property.
  • In2Care System Installation: Positions a control system that interrupts mosquito breeding within approximately 4500 sq ft, effectively reducing future populations.

2. Full Yard Protection

  • Monthly Fogging: Regular fogging sessions add a layer of mosquito deterrents and landscaping designed to keep bugs at bay.
  • In2Care System: Works alongside fogging to prevent mosquitoes from neighboring areas from establishing on your property.

3. Eliminating Breeding Conditions

  • Expert Inspections: Our technicians identify and advise on property conditions conducive to mosquito infestations.
  • Preventive Measures: Recommendations often include simple environmental adjustments, minimizing the need for further chemical treatments.


Sure, you can do your own research, plant those citronella, lemongrass, and marigolds, and hope for the best before seeking professional pest control. However, when it comes to mosquitoes, sometimes they don’t play by the rules.

Wherever you’re in Louisiana, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s mosquito control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about the areas we service, visit our location page